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About Takalam

TakalamTech is a Jordanian based health-tech company specializing in finding solution for all hearing and speech disorders such as stuttering(stammering) using the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, internet of things and software programming in general.

Takalam Products

Our Products

Takalam Device

A wearable device connected with an in-ear mini speaker developed to emulate a phenomenon called choral effect. Which is A phenomenon where the person’s stutter decreases or ceases completely when speaking with a group of others.

Takalam Platform

A platform developed to provide hearing and speech therapists with all the assessment they need to deliver a better service for their patients. Our platform contains a form generator that can generate all the forms that a hearing therapist, speech therapist and special education therapist may need.

Takalam Clinic

Takalam Clinic is one of the services provided by the company, which is a new vision for unifying procedures in clinics and medical centers and unifying the patient's file through a common cloud that brings together all service providers in the medical field.


TakalamTech is the first company to use SSI (Stuttering Severity Instrument) to configure it’s device.

Inclusive Solution

Real time solution plus free monthly sessions with professional pathologist.

Hidden Device

Takalam stuttering device is fully hidden

Artificial Intelligence

Takalam device is the first device to use AI to have dynamic configuration.

It doesn’t matter where you live

Try Takalam Device through our web application wherever our cases are.

Save Money

3 times more affordable than any similer product.

Takalam Trial

Do you suffer from stuttering problem?


What Our Patients Said