The distribution of a number of free devices to people who stutter
TakalamTech LLC has distributed a number of free devices to a group of people who suffer from stuttering inside the company’s headquarters at the University of Petra, in the presence and supervision of the Dean of the College of Administrative and Financial Sciences at the University of Petra, Dr. Nidal Al-Salihi, and the Director of the University of Petra Business Incubator “SIQ” Dr. Trad Al-Malahama.
These devices were distributed to people who have tested a Takalam device during its development stages, to thank them for their patience, efforts and belief in the product and the company as a whole.
The Takalam device was developed to solve the problem of stuttering in adults and children. It is a small wearable device connected to a small internal hearing aid inside the ear. It was developed to solve the problem of stuttering by more than 90% of the stuttering person while in use.